Blogging Maddness!!!

Thursday, February 17, 2011

My Creative Genius Me.

Me: So... how do I begin this?
Vergil: Well how does anyone start anything?
Me: Brainstorming? but I've got nothing, I want to finish this quickly.
Vergil: Haste makes waste, so I rarely hurry. But if a Ferret were to dart up my dress, I'd run.
Me: W-what? you've lost me...
Vergil: Well why the long face, my little mouse in a maze? though I suppose something more fitting should be brought up for you. You're more of an bug I'd say. A spider in love.
Me: Why in Love? I think you mean during it's mating season
Vergil: That's quite insensitive. aarrre you refuurring that a Spider cannot love? I suppose you're a prodigy lover then, right?
Me: *crosses arms* fine then, yes I consider myself a relationship expert on love. It's both a painful and satisfying quake of an experience, and I have some doubts whether a spider could even comprehend feeling both good and bad at the same time.
Vergil: Is that so?... well, remember now, In the life of a spider, boys are smaller. and small things tend to be, in in the tiny world, tasty...
Me: (I'm taken back

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