Blogging Maddness!!!

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

New Orleans Revisited

The moment I heard of the words "natrual disaster" I imediatly was brought back to Hurricane Katrina and how I remember watching the news and online texts that displayed thousands of cited sources that explained just what the Hell Katrina did to the lives of everyday people.

Hurricane Katrina is like exactly how it was said, cept maybe for the whole infant adutery. Revisted as this article explains, the New Orleans Crisis that happened in August 2005 has showing signs of hope and recovery 4 years later to today. Although the process of recovery is slow, it's stable "the process of rebuilding has been slow, relying on federal money, volunteers and determination"

There's no perfect example of natural disasters other than our hurricane Katrina. Always showing the power of all mighty mother nature

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